Thankful Monday–Heroes in Our Midst

I remember the story of the escape. A girl in the Alexandria, MN area escapes kidnappers after being held for 30 days. She had to tromp through wet fields to escape, eventually swimming a lake to get to the other side where a farmer helped her notify authorities. She’s told her story and three have been arrested for kidnapping and sexual assault. The farmer when presented the cash reward gave it to the girl.

Two heroes—the girl for seizing the opportunity and making a run for it. The farmer for noticing what he originally thought was a deer but checking it out further. Then subsequently turning the reward money back to the girl.  “It’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” Earl Melchert told people when talking about his role in saving the girl.Goodnews

Alexandria Police Chief Rick Wyffels (right) shakes the hand of farmer Earl Melchert (left), who helped save a 15-year-old kidnapped girl.


I’ve been in the Alexandria area. I suspect people there say things like “we never thought it would happen here.” Maybe they even leave their doors unlocked. They may go to Las Vegas to get excitement from the quiet lives they live.

We saw more evidence or heard stories of heroes in our midst last Sunday unfortunately. Yet aren’t we relieved that they still exist? Maybe we are heroes waiting for the opportunity to show it. Maybe we’re sitting or living with heroes and don’t always know it.

I watched Saving Private Ryan last week. I am planning on showing it at church. It’s intense and some people for very good reasons will not want to see it. They may have their own demons or memories of war; their personal psyche may be battered by seeing such gruesome acts of war even without having gone through it. I really get that which is why I surveyed the parents of high school students on what they thought. One parent put it how she saw it in speaking about her children.  “It certainly isn’t the kind of movie they would ever just pick out on their own. And I think a bit of discomfort could do them some good…” At the climax of the movie, the words “Earn it” are whispered as a hero dies and another lives on.

Heroes are the ones who trudge through horrendous discomfort, even agony of swimming through a lake scared to death. They go back into the building tumbling down on 9/11. They may take a knee when it’s not in their professional interest to do so. Heroes also face their demons the best way they know how, when going through life is so hard. They are heroes when they say this is not for me, whether it’s saying no or saying yes. They may not be able to admit or describe the war they’re raging, but they continue on. We may not know or understand the battles that they are fighting, but may we support the heroes. All of them. And give back to them as much as they give us. May we earn it.

One response »

  1. Really nice Marcia


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