Thursday Poem–Thank you Abraham Joshua Heschel for the Inspiration

“People of our time are losing the power of celebration. Instead of celebrating we seek to be amused or entertained. Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation. To be entertained is a passive state–it is to receive pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle…. Celebration is a confrontation, giving attention to the transcendent meaning of one’s actions.” Abraham Joshua Heschel


Let us celebrate
a run in the morning
a battle with the computer
a visit to a new home
without tears, without fear
If that’s not worth a warm bath, what is?

Let us celebrate
technology that has taken us far to the galaxies
but leaving our respect for a cathedral 800 years old
ravaged, but not totally destroyed
along with the spirit to rebuild.
If that’s not worth a glass of merlot, what is?

Let us celebrate
those who fight injustice
whether on the public stage or on a street corner
taking the uncomfortable road so that others gain comfort
shining their light so others can see.
If that’s not worth giving a damn or more, what is?

Let us celebrate
a calm night
a warm bed
waking up next to a husband of 42 years
If that’s not worth a cup of coffee that he made, what is?
Let us celebrate together.

art backlit dark dawn

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on


2 responses »

  1. Lovely, Marcia. A new home? Time for a BookBar visit, I think. 🙂

    • Thanks Camile. I wrote the poem when we were looking at assisted living facilities for Bob’s mom. Want to be daring and visit the Bookbar either before or after AdCom. You’re running the meeting; I am doing minutes. Think what fun we could have.


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