Saturday Poem–Based on words of Vincent Van Gogh

“There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people,” Vincent Van Gogh

Love is around us every day.
Be it flowers on the table
or the hand held lying in the hospital bed
be it the gift of financial support or a smile
Of words said and words unsaid
by a spouse or a four-legged friend

Loving certain people yelling during the State of the Union
would be an abstract work of art
Loving elders past their prime
might be an art of still life
Digging people out covered in earthquake rubble
truly living the horror like Picasso’s Guerneca, yet driven by love

I will work to create more love this year
to put thoughts into words into action
to create a masterpiece that connects
and if the result is not successful
or as brilliant as Van Gogh Sunflowers
may my effort brighten a day or life just a little

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